Manuel Altieri
Manuel Altieri
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Project: Reatment with alkaline-activated binders of waste soil for their reuse in the construction of large infrastructures
Tutor: Prof. Giacomo Russo
Co-tutor: Dr. Enza Vitale
Manuel Altieri
Pietro Boni
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Project: Investigation of active faults in Southern Apennines by means of seismic reflection surveys
Tutor: Dr. Francesco Iezzi

Co-tutor: Prof. David Iacopini

Manuel Altieri Rosa Buonaiuto
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Project: Electromagnetic monitoring of active volcanic areas: an application to the Phlegraean area
Tutor: Prof. Rosa Di Maio
Co-Tutors: Maria Giulia Di Giuseppe (INGV-OV), Antonio Traiano (INGV-OV)
Manuel Altieri
Carla Califano
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Project: Reconstruction of the thermodynamic state of active geothermal systems through geophysical models. Applications to Italian volcanic areas
Tutor: Prof. Rosa Di Maio
Co-tutors: Maria Giulia Di Giuseppe (INGV-OV), Antonio Traiano (INGV-OV)
Manuel Altieri
Raffaella Casolaro
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Project: Analysis and modelling of non-stationary components of the gravity field using Hybrid Gravimetry in the Campi Flegrei area
Tutor: Prof. Umberto Riccardi
Co-tutors: T. Pivetta (INGV-OV), Stefano Carlino (INGV-OV)
Manuel Altieri
Alessio De Falco
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Project: Definition of the conceptual model, assessment of environmental risks and analysis of the best available techniques at eligible costs (BATNEEC) for the environmental recovery of a brownfield characterized by a multi-source contamination
Tutor: Prof. Stefano Albanese
Manuel Altieri
Antonella Esposito
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ProjectMammal Response and Extinction Risk under Ice Age Global Change
Tutor: Prof. Pasquale Raia
Co-Tutors: Dott. Castiglione
Manuel Altieri
Silvia Ilacqua
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Project: Cultural landscapes. 3D digitization and development of platforms for geospatial data management, analysis and communication.
Tutor: Prof. Leopoldo Repola
Co-tutor:  Prof Stefano Vitale
Manuel Altieri
Martina Mercurio
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Project: Pozzolanic geomaterials: Phlegrean pozzolana in comparison with other volcaniclastic materials with pozzolanic activity
Tutor: Prof. Concetta Rispoli
Co-tutors: Proff. Cappelletti, Petrosino, Grazian S. F.
Manuel Altieri
Fabio Pagliara
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Project: Three-dimensional analysis of active faults in Southern Apennines using electrical resistivity surveys.
Tutor: Prof. Luigi Ferranti
Co-tutors: Dr. Maria Giulia Di Giuseppe (INGV-OV), Dr. Roberto Isaia (INGV-OV)
Manuel Altieri
Germano Solomita
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Project:  Vanadium and its minerals: crystal-chemical and structural features and enrichment mechanisms of a strategic critical metal in different geological environments
Tutor: Prof. Pina Balassone
Co-tutors: Proff. Mondillo, Carmela Petti (Museo di Mineralogia)
Manuel Altieri Jamilah Padma Vitolo
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Project: Plio-Pleistocene ostracod assemblages and paleoenvironmental evolution in the Monte San Nicola and Montalbano Jonico successions
Tutor: Prof. Giuseppe Aiello
Co-tutors: Proff. Barra-Maria Marino (UniBa)
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