Bachelor in Geological Sciences


Transition to life at university is a very exciting one, but it can also be challenging and demanding at times. Our mentoring programme will help you settle into university life with advice and support from your fellow students. It is offered specifically for the Batchelor in Geological science but also in support of student enrolled in the Master in Geoscience for the environment, geo- resources and natural risk .Specifically in our Batchelor the mentoring scheme has been also designed to offer support to students during the exam preparation of Math and Physics program pairing you with more experienced student which will dedicate time to let you improve your learning ability. For any support on that matter please contact
Prof. Giuseppina Balassone
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  • Because you are looking for a job developing geo-technology tools in support of the energy sustainability
  • Because your working area is the entire earth global system
  • Because you are fascinated by jobs grounded on both the scientific and the natural history approach
  • Because Geology is the science with the right tools to interpret both past and present global climate phenomena
  • Because Geology courses combine a strong emphasis on observational and field skills
  • In Naples you will still find a high teaching/student ratio which will promote the development of transferable professional skills such as group working, problem-solving providing a further opportunity to specialise.
Introduction to the geoscience 
General inorganic chemistry with element of organic chemistry 8
Mathematic 12
Physics 12
Minerolgy 8
Paleontology 8
Lab of English language  3
Structural geology       12
Stratigraphy and sedimentology     12
Geochemistry  6
Volcanology  6
Geophysics  8
Petrography  8
Optional course       6
Georesources 9
Applied geophysics    9
Applied geology and Idrogeology 10
Geomorphology  10
Field mapping     6
Optional course  6
Trainiship module  5
Project / dissertation 3

Where we are located

Complesso Universitario
di Monte Sant'Angelo (Ed. 10)
Via Vicinale Cupa Cintia 21
80126 NAPOLI
+39 81 2532146
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How to get to DISTAR

 DISTAR is located in the Complesso Universitario di Monte S. Angelo Via Cintia, Napoli
By car: exit on the freeway to Fuorigrotta
By Metro: using Line 2 and stop at stazione Campi Flegrei
By train: Circumflegrea (stazione Traiano
By Bus : Autoline-
Piazzale Tecchio-MSA: 615; 180; R6
Piazza Leonardo (Vomero)-MSA: C33

La sede delle attività didattiche e scientifiche è nel Complesso Universitario di Monte S. Angelo

Via Cintia, Napoli


  • In auto: uscita della tangenziale di Fuorigrotta
  • Linee su rotaia
  • Metropolitana Linea 2 (stazione Campi Flegrei)
  • Circumflegrea (stazione Mostra)
  • Autolinee
  • Piazzale Tecchio-MSA: 615; 180; R6
  • Piazza Leonardo (Vomero)-MSA: C33
  • Sono anche attivi diversi collegamenti con autobus privati provenienti dalla provincia di Napoli e da altre province campane.


Punto Adisu | Centro Sinapsi | Mense | Bar

Servizio copiatura | Bancomat

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