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Distinguished Lectures in Earth Sciences  | Iterative methods for the inversion of nonlinear magnetic and gravitational fields
Mercoledì 26 Ottobre 2022, 16:30 - 17:30
Visite : 57

Distinguished Lectures in Earth Sciences 

Iterative methods for the inversion of nonlinear magnetic and gravitational fields

Mercoledì 26 ottobre, alle ore 16:30 nell'aula Geo3 (DiSTAR, piano terra), per il ciclo delle Distinguished Lectures in Earth Sciences 2022, Harry B. Bingham (Dept. of Civil & Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark), terrà un seminario dal titolo:

Iterative methods for the inversion of nonlinear magnetic and gravitational fields

Il seminario sarà fruibile anche sulla piattaforma Zoom al seguente link:

ID riunione: 816 8219 2410

Passcode: 824300

Locandina DLES Harry Bingham 26 ottobre 2022

Abstract and Biosketch Bingham 26October2022


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