Aree e Temi di Ricerca

Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, dell'Ambiente e delle Risorse

Subsurface geological modelling
Subsurface geological modelling 
We focus our research on fundamental understanding of processes involved in the generation of Geo-resources, which span from hydrocarbon exploration to geological storage. We continuously explore new methods for the discovery and exploitation of those resources, and on the environmental factors leading to geological hazard and associated risk. Within this framework our group share a renowned expertise on Carbonate reservoir and exploration within fold and thrust belt but recently expanded its activity to explore the tectonic evolution of rifted continental margins, pre salt reservoir, siliciclastic stratigraphy and methodologies related to geological sequestration. We have expertise spanning from field structural geology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, seismic interpretation and processing, organic geochemistry and sedimentary petrology. Across the recent years our research group received research funding from various earth resource companies (including ENI, Shell, OMV, Edison) to explore areas like the peri-adriatic zone, Southern Apennine, Iran, Greece, and the pre salt reservoir in Brazil. As a group we receive support from service company through academic license of advanced software (Schlumberger, Halliburton, Geoteric). We also have long lived expertise on leading field trip and organizing field training for oil and gas companies across field analogue for carbonate and dolomitized reservoir and fractured traps and delivering training for subsurface data interpretation.

Faculty members working in this research group: 
Alessandro Iannace, Mariano Parente, Stefano Tavani, David Iacopini, Kei Ogata, Giovanni Camanni

Recent and actively funded projects: 
- Integrated study of petroleum systems in Mediterranean and Middle East fold and thrust belts. 2016-2018. Edison/Exploration & Production. S.Mazzoli (now at the University of Camerino).
- An integrated study of petroleum systems and hydrocarbon potential of Triassic-Jurassic successions in the Zagros Mountains of the Lurestan Area, W-NW Iran. 2016-2018. National Iranian Oil company. S.Mazzoli (now at the University of Camerino).
- An integrated study of the potential reservoir rocks of the Ionian zone  of the Hellenides (western Greece). 2017-2018 - Hellenic Petroleum and Edison/Exploration & Production. M. Parente
- Reservoir characterization of the Mucuri units, pre salt Unit, Campos Basin. 2016-2018. UFRGS-Shell. D. Iacopini.
- Distribution and quality of the Aptian intraclastic carbonate reservoir, Pre salt unit, Santos Basin. 2021-2024. UFRGS. D. Iacopini
- Thematic Network on Arctic Geology. 2017-2020. UArctic cooperative. K. Ogata (;
- Multi-physical Detection of Along-fault CO2 Migration through cap rock shales. 2019-2023. Norwegian CCS Research Centre (NCCS) and Svalbard Science Forum. K. Ogata (

Research labs  
XRF, SEM, XRD, Petrophysics lab, Seismic Workstation
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