esito procedura di selezione PON 37

Research Doctorate Call and Projects

37th Cycle - Academic Year 2021/22

PON-REACTEU Scholarships

The University of Naples Federico II has issued a call for scholarships to the Research doctoral courses (XXXVII cycle) funded by the program PON-REACTEU “Resaerch and Innovation” 2014-2020 on two lines: “Innovation” - Action IV.4; and “Green” – Action iv.5.

- D.R. n. 3909 - 5.10.2021. Detailed information on the application procedures are found on the University of Naples Federico II website (, and on the Euraxess website (

Deadline for applications is October 25th, 2021, 15.00 CET. 

PhD projects available at the DiSTAR

The scholarships issued by the Doctorate of Earth, Environmental and Resources Science are 9 (nine). The Teaching Staff of the Doctorate School will assign one of the projects listed below to the candidates usefully positioned in the final ranking. Only one scholarship will be assigned for each project

C.F. | P.IVA  00876220633
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