Distinguished Lectures in Earth Sciences 

Geological storage of Hydrogen for Net Zero

Giovedì 29 Settembre, alle ore 16 nell'aula Geo3 (DiSTAR, piano terra), per il ciclo delle Distinguished Lectures in Earth Sciences 2022, Katriona Edlmann (The University of Edinburgh, School of Geoscience), terrà un seminario dal titolo:

Geological storage of Hydrogen for Net Zero

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Il seminario sarà fruibile anche sulla piattaforma Zoom al seguente link:


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Locandina DLES Katriona Edlmann 29 sett 2022


Talk Abstract

To meet the global commitments for net zero carbon emissions our energy mix must transition from fossil fuels. Hydrogen is gaining increasing recognition as a low carbon energy option to support this energy transition. Hydrogen is considered a low-carbon substitute for fossil fuels to decarbonise domestic and industrial heat, power generation and heavy-duty transport. It can also promote increased renewable energy uptake by acting as an energy store to balance supply and demand.

For hydrogen to be deployed at the scales required for net zero, we will need access to large-scale geological storage. Our initial studies show that the required storage capacity exists in depleted gas fields and saline aquifers. This talk will present an overview of the most recent findings from the HyStorPor and HyUsPRe projects, working to establish the feasibility of storing hydrogen in underground porous reservoirs. The talk will cover the results of our research into the key biological and chemical reactions between the reservoir rocks, formation fluids and injected hydrogen that could compromise the storage complex and the key flow processes that influence hydrogen migration and trapping during injection and withdrawal. It will finish with a wider look at field and infrastructure status screening and the integration between hydrogen production, transport and storage.

Bio: Katriona Edlmann

Dr Katriona Edlmann is the Chancellor’s Fellow in Energy within the School of Geosciences at The University of Edinburgh.  She studied Petroleum Geology at Aberdeen University before undertaking her master’s degree and PhD in Petroleum Reservoir Engineering at Heriot-Watt University.

Katriona is a geoscientist with 25 years’ experience researching the secure and sustainable utilisation of the subsurface for low-carbon energy applications including carbon capture and storage, hydrogen energy storage and geothermal operations.

She is co-investigator and work package lead on two UK and EU funded projects researching the feasibility of large-scale geological storage of hydrogen in porous rocks, supporting the advancement of hydrogen as an energy transition pathway to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG’s) to net zero by 2050.

She currently serves as the Specialist Adviser to the House of Commons Scottish Affairs Committee inquiry into Hydrogen and Carbon Capture in Scotland, Sub-task lead on the International Energy Agency Technology Collaboration Programme underground hydrogen storage task, the ETP Deputy Hydrogen Strategic Theme Champion and is a member of the Gas Goes Green Academic Challenge Forum.


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Twitter: @EdlmannKatriona

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katriona-edlmann-43984722/

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Katriona_Edlmann

Web: https://blogs.ed.ac.uk/katriona_edlmann/

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