Phd Courses

Eruptive, transport and emplacement mechanisms of explosive volcanic products deducted from the deposits of the Neapolitan volcanoes (Prof. Paola Petrosino, Prof. Claudio Scarpati)
24 h – 6 CFU
8-9-10 May 2019

Morphometrical and morphotectonic approach for the reconstruction of vertical motions distribution (Prof. Ettore Valente)
12 h – 3 CFU
21-22-23 May 2019

Geology applied to Mineral Deposits (Prof. Nicola Mondillo)
12 h – 3 CFU
19-20-21 June 2019

Genesis and evolution of magmatism in the Mediterranean area (Prof. Leone Melluso)
12 h – 3 CFU
1-2-3 July 2019

Three-dimensional digitization. Data, representation, design (Prof. Leopoldo Repola)
12 h – 3 CFU
9-10-11 September 2019

Statistical methods for studying natural hazards (Prof. Rosa Di Maio)
12 h – 3 CFU
 2-3-4 October 2019
Activated courses February-March 2019
Geostatistics in R ((Prof. Francesco Carotenuto, Prof. Pasquale Raia)
12 h – 3 CFU
11-12-13 February – 9h-13h
A practical approach to the spatial analysis of geoscientific data using a GIS (Prof. Stefano Albanese)
12 h – 3 CFU
18-19-20 February – 9h-13h
Remote sensing and traditional monitoring techniques in Earth Sciences (Pof. Diego Di Martire)
12 h – 3 CFU
25-26-27 February – 9h-13h
Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the southern Apennines-Calabrian-Peloritan Arc System (Prof. Stefano Vitale)
12 h – 3 CFU
6-7-8  March – 9h-13h
Courses activatable on reaching a minimum of 5 students(deadline for registration April 1st 2019)
·      Groundwater rebound, groundwater quality and aquifer vulnerability assessment in urban and rural environments (Prof. Vincenzo Allocca)
12 h – 3 CFU
·      Laboratory methods for Archaeometallurgy (Prof. Giuseppina Balassone)
12 h – 3 CFU
·      Hillslope hydrology for the assessment of hazard to rainfall-induced shallow landslides (Prof. Pantaleone De Vita)
12 h – 3 CFU
·      Paleontological data analysis in paleoclimatic and paleoecological reconstructions (Prof. Valentino Di Donato)
12 h – 3 CFU
·      Lagoon-dune-beach system (Prof. Carlo Donadio)
12 h – 3 CFU
·      Planetary Geology (Dr. Valentina Galluzzi)
12 h – 3 CFU
·      Fluid and melt inclusions: examples of application in volcanology (Prof. Annamaria Lima)
12 h – 3 CFU
·      Principles and applications of infrared thermography (Dr. Eng. Carosena Meola)
12 h – 3 CFU
·      Isotope stratigraphy (carbon and strontium) of shallow-water carbonates (Prof. Mariano Parente)
12 h – 3 CFU
·      Hybrid and Super-hybrid Gravimetry: Concept & Application (Prof. Umberto Riccardi, Dr. Jacques Hinderer - CNRS Strasbourg)
12 h – 3 CFU
·      Advanced Climatology (Prof. Nicola Scafetta)
12 h – 3 CFU
(for information and registration: Prof. Vincenzo Allocca - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Parent Category: Doctorate Doctorate XXXIV Cycle Also available:  Italiano  Hits: 2182